Das Statement der Live DMA zu dem gestrigen Anschlag in Manchester, bei dem 22 Menschen ums Leben kamen.

Das Statement der Live DMA zu dem gestrigen Anschlag in Manchester, bei dem 22 Menschen ums Leben kamen. Dieses Statement teilen wir und rufen dazu auf, an der Aktion „One Minute of Noise“ am Freitag, den 26. Mai teilzunehmen!
Alle Infos findet ihr hier:
„Live music is joy and fellowship. We are thousands of venues, festivals and other concert organizers, at thousands of places across Europe that open our doors for joy, music, freedom and friendship daily – and we will keep open and let live music go everywhere! We have great grief over what happened at the Manchester Arena – and the sweeping act that hit the live music communities, when children, teenagers and other audiences left the Ariana Grandes concert. Our thoughts are with the affected families and our colleagues in the UK live music industry, and we will dedicate our upcoming concerts to the victims of this tragedy, when venues across Europe, together with the audience and artists, will mark the terrorist attack in Manchester with „one minute of noise“. Because terrorism never stop us, from making music and the world a better place to live.“